Tefi is a one-woman handmade cottage industry based in my tiny home studio in Oak Cliff TX. I specialize in jewelry and accessories made with quality materials and craftsmanship. My items are created with love and rare designer, vintage, and import fabric, wool felt, and Ming Dynasty pottery shards. Many of the materials I use - fabric and pottery shards - are repurposed and upcycled.
Visit my Etsy shop today!Professionally, I work as a grant writer and fundraiser for a non-profit serving homeless children and am committed to serving animals by donating a portion of profits to animal rescue groups. I founded and help lead
Etsy Dallas and organize the
Spring Bash and Jingle Bash - Dallas' leading art/crafts shows.

I live and work in the tight-knit artsy Dallas community of Oak Cliff with hubs Jason, son Ian, and dog Oliver. Other hobbies include: playing with my hilarious and precious two-year-old, Ian; watching BBC period pieces; rescuing lost or abandoned animals; organizing events and clubs (it's like an obsession); marketing and PR; and any kind of writing.
MY HANDMADE PHILOSOPHYHandmade crafts are a testament to the people and times of a culture. When you buy handmade, you support your local artist community and your local economy - when you buy handmade, you buy American. You can be sure that the piece you bought was made with love by someone just like you - not made in a factory, assembled by robots.

While many artists and artisans price their items fairly, remember that they are offering you a piece of their talent - made with their hands. So the next time you get ready to buy a gift, choose handmade.
Choose a gift from the hands and the heart. Can't wait to meet you on February 5th!
Stephanie a.k.a. "tefi"